

Tv Series and Cinema


dicembre 2015


UnREAL(2015) is an American TV show developed by Marti Noxon and produced by Sarah Gertrude Shapiro. UnReal looks behind the scene of the reality TV “Everlasting”.
The show focuses on the producer of the show Rachel Goldberg and all the manipulation behind reality TV in general. The show gives the public a real view of how the reality is guided from the cast in the background. The only goal is to have enough good shots to broadcast, even if it means to crush people’s feelings or skip on family tragedies.
If you hate reality TV, or, on the other hand love series about TV productions you must watch it. The show won the Most Exciting New Series category at the 5th Critics’s Choice Television Awards.

Running time: 42 minutes

IMDB: 7,8/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 8,4/10


Seven thousand dollars, that is how much they spent for the movie. Shane Carruth is the genius who has written, directed, produced, acted, edited the movie and composed the music. Primer (2004) is a psychological thriller about time travel. If you are expecting a Hollywood movie, this is not for you, but if you are looking for a nerd time travel universe and much more, that is your movie. If you don’t understand anything the first time you watch it, it is perfectly normal. Shane Carruth focused more on the complexity of time travel than the plot itself. Enjoy some incomprehensible words, and remember 7000 dollars.

Running Time: 77 minutes

Imdb: 7/10

F is for Family

F is For Family (2015) is an animated TV series on Netflix, created by the comedian Bill Burr. The show takes place in 1973, and follow a patriarchal family, the ” Murphy”. The father, ironically believes he has some kind of absolute authority over the other 4 members. In a six-episode season, things are going really fast, and it is possible for a little to understand how dysfunctional the family is, and how the idea of ” the past is always better” goes around. The show focuses on different aspects of political correctness and feminism revolution. Frank, the father seems unable to help the family, even  small tasks as to cook a meal for the children without the help of the mother. The show proposes a genuine vulgarity sometimes even funny

Waiting for a Second season

Running Time: 25-28 minutes

Imdb: 8,3/10

The Good Dinosaur

The Good Dinosaur (2015) is a Pixar animated-movie, released by Walt Disney Pictures. The animated cartoon rewrites the story of how the asteroid that 65 million years ago crashed on Earth, causing the extinction of dinosaurs, missed completely the planet. The animated movie follows the story of one dinosaur, Arlo, becoming friend with a human (cave man), to find his family back. Graphically, it might be one of the most beautiful movies Pixar has made, but on the other hand  the story is weak and flat, sometimes even a little boring. I had the perception watching this movie that Pixar was dumping on the same story ideas over and over again. Visually beautiful, but a bit monotonous.

Running Time: 100 minutes

Imdb: 7,2/10

Blue Mountain State

Blue Mountain State (2010) is an American comedy series about a football team. If you want to watch students taking drugs, drinking alcohol, having sex, play some football and taking drugs again, this is your show. “The Goats”are a weird team, trying to create a solid group hazing new members. The only way to bond to each other is partying hard. We call it “American Pie The Series”. Hot girls, tons of drugs and a continuous flow of alcohol, this is what you get.

The mascot is a Goat and is hilarious.

Running time: 22 minutes

Imdb: 8,4/10




iZombie (2015) is an American television series developed by Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) as an adaptation of  the comic book series of the same name published by DC Comics. The zombies in the series appear normal as long a they eat a brain once a month. The show star Rose McIver as Liv, a part-zombie medical resident, working at a coroner’s office in order to eat brains for survival, which gives her the ability to get the memories from eating brains to help a police detective solve cases. It is not the normal zombie series where the zombies try to eat and devour every living person. The zombies in the series appear normal as long a they eat a brain once a month. Do not expect a dark post apocalypse scenario, this zombie show can be considered kid-friendly.

If you want a different kind of Zombie this is the show for you and your kids.

Running time: 42 minutes

IMDB: 8,0/10

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