

Tv Series and Cinema

Doctor Who

Doctor who (1963-Today) is par excellence the most known British science-fiction. Started in 1963, Doctor Who influenced generation, becoming a cult. The Doctor is a Time Lord, who travels with his spaceship “a police-box called Tardis” between time and space. Always with a companion the Doctor saves the Earth, as well as other planets, and help people in need. The doctor has the ability to regenerate once in a while, the reincarnation gives him different looks and personalities. A relaunch of the series was made in 2005, starring one after the other, David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. This Tv series is a must, if you like science-fiction, different species and incredibly  different planets where a mystery must be solved, you should start now. I personally never heard someone talk bad about the series, just good reviews. Before you start, before you can watch it again.

Imdb: 8,8/10



Pan (2015) is an American fantasy-adventure film. The movie follows the story of an orphan Peter, and his adventure. One night all the children of the orphanage are taken by the pirates and brought to Neverland. There, with the help of a future enemy Captain Hook, Peter finds his true destiny and fights the evil pirate Blackbeard. The younger will love this movie, many special effects make this movie perfect even for adults and deserve to be watched all together. Look forward to the possibility of a second one in order to understand how Captain Hook became evil.

A little

Running Time: 111 minutes

Imdb: 5,9/10


Shadowhunters (2015) is an American show based on the fantasy book series “The Mortal Instrument” by the bestselling Cassandra Clare. The show is set in a contemporary New York, where Clary Fray, a 18 year old discovers the is a combination of human and angel called Shadowhunter. When her mother is kidnapped by a demon, Clary will join a group of Shadowhunters  and Downworlders -supernatural beings- trying to save her. The show is far from being just a TV series, there are movies, manga, and graphic novels are just a few examples. Not just for young adult Shadowhunter will entertain all the family

Running Time: 41 minutes

Imdb: 6,8/10

One Punch Man

One Punch Man (2015)  is an action-comedy anime written by Tomohiro Suzuki. The earth is attacked by different monsters, and the only who can defeat them is Saitama, a fighter who describes himself as a “Hero Just For Fun”. After three years of intense training, Saitama is the strongest fighter in the universe and the only one who can kill enemies with only one punch. Saitama is always testing his strength and continuously  looking for stronger fighter. Thanks to the help of a friend, a cyborg named Genos, Saitama joins the Heroes Association where his adventure will begin.

Running Time: 24 minutes

Imdb: 9,4/10


The intern

The intern (2015) is an American comedy, starring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. Start up, senior internship program and good acting are almost the complete plot. Ben Whittaker is a 70 year old who is not ready to retire. This need and desire to work brings him to an online fashion company created by Jules Ostin. A nice comedy where the two main actor does 80% of the job. The intern, ironically, is a more realistic version of ” The internship” featuring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. This movie will put a smile on your face, then, why not to watch it?

Running Time: 121 minutes

Imdb: 7,2/10

Mad Max Fury Road

Mad Max Fury Road (2015) is an American and Australian action movie. The movie is set in a apocalyptic future where everything is almost desert, and where gasoline and water are priceless property. The film follows the story of two rebels Furiosa and Max, in a giant race to survive and find a place where to make safe the wife of the evil Immortan Joe. Before to watch this movie you should watch the previous trilogy of the movie, in order to have a complete scene of what is going on. If you just watch the last movie, as I did, you may not like it. Mad Max Fury Road has a weak storyline, the idea that they could overthrow the evil empire just with a truck in the desert , going forwards and backwards, makes the movie superficial. One scene, one movie, no more!

Running time: 120 minutes

Imdb: 8,2/10



Burnt (2015) is an American drama movie directed by John Wells. The film follows the story of Adam Jones, an incredible chef who almost ruined his life and career and a few of his friend’s relationships, because of alcohol and hard drugs. After a few years being sober, he is ready to win back everything he lost and even going for a third Michelin star in a fancy restaurant. Old and new friends will create an amazing team that will amaze food lovers. For a little moment, Bradley Cooper reminded me Gordon Ramsay in Hell’s Kitchen. If it is your last choice watch it, it is not the worst movie ever but neither anything special.

Running time: 101 minutes

Imdb: 6,6/10







Superstore (2015) is an American comedy on NBC. The show follows the employees on their workplace in a big megastore. The arrival of a new member on the team, Jonah, that always get into trouble because his lack of experience working in a big store, will change the life of this team/family. From the producer of “The Office” Justin Spitzer, a funny comedy that will show angry customers against almost always polite employees. If you want to laugh in this chaotic superstore where accidents happen, this may be your series.

Running Time: 22 minutes

Imdb: 7,5/10


Tripped (2015) is a British comedy-drama about two friends who travel between parallel universes. Milo is a stoner who sees his best friend Danny, getting married and settle down with his fiancé. Milo discouraged from this situation, decide to eat a full bag of psychedelic mushrooms. From there starts a journey, traveling through parallel universes, always followed by a mysterious guy who tries to kill them. Different versions of themselves will interact with each other in this tripped TV series. Four episodes long, this show will entertain you like a classic British series, where alcohol and drugs are predominant characteristics.

Running Time: 37 minutes

Imdb: 7,6/10

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